Tuesday, November 16, 2010

ThE CaPe aNd SpLiT house designs

These three houses are Cape Cod style houses.  They do vary on style and color but most of the primary factors remain the same throughout.  The piece above shows a Cape Cod piece that is large in design and could be two seperate families all together, though this would normally be a one family house.  Characteristics of the Cape Cod are simple in design.  There is normally the door centered off, there are normally equal number of windows on each sides of the door/doorway, a chimney adds some flavor to the abode, and also the Cape Cod seems to only be one floor, though it could contain and upstairs/attic. Normally these houses came with large decorative shutters, and also came with dormers as well.

The next house type which i would like 2 look at is the split-level house which is more of a post-war model.
this bad boy right above here even got the famous term for the housing markets....aka....COLONIAL style!!!

A split level house normally is 3 floors...one floor is sunk and then the main floor, then one floor is raised.  The floor plans to these houses are unique but seem to look like a true pain for designers.  Also the main entrance is normally on the main floor or the middle floor. These housese are again normally 3 floors but they can get bigger and have small stair cases normally parallel to each other that lead to the upper and lower floors. The living rooom is also right as you walk in from the door.

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand that double cape. Is it being marketed as a dwelling for two families, or what?
